Real First Entry

tags: updates

Intro: This is actually the real first entry for this blog. I didn’t realize I had this entry on my other blog and decided to migrated it over.



Testing and research–research and testing. More of the same.

Burnout isn’t even on the horizon for me–it’s my everyday existence. It sucks.

Anyway… here are some images of the radio setup:

Radio 1

Radio 2

Radio 3

Planning on doing some aprs testing with the handheld. I’m still learning and have much to learn, but I’m enjoying it thus far.

I can’t seem to commit to making entries. It’s weird because I have so many ideas and projects that I want to work on, but I just can’t bring myself to give a crap at the moment.

Callsign: KJ5AFX

Written on April 3, 2023