License and Radios

tags: hardware,updates

Intro: Blog post redux. I took the ameteur radio technician license exam and passed it.

Radio >


I’ve been learning about the ameteur bands and the different services/modes offered. Once I feel comfortable enough, I want to start playing around with the sdr dongle that I bought, but I’m also putting together a nice portable rig to start trying park/summit activations. I’ll make sure to post the details of my rig once I have it all put together and tested.


Not really sure what else to do with this post since it is the first official one and haven’t put much thought into what I wanted to say.

I suppose I should use this section for anything that I’m actively working on. At the moment, other than this blog, I’m only working on my man-portable radio operator rig. Waiting on some coax cables and right angle connectors, as well as some digirig connectors to drop in so I can start running some tests.

Rig so far:

  • iCom IC-706
  • Armoloq TPA-706
  • DigiRig
  • Eberlestock Bandit Pack
  • Bioenno 12v LiFePo Battery Pack

The plan is to build out some random-wire, dipole antennas (maybe a single adjustable one) for 10 meters and lower, and use some 2m/70cm whips for 2 meter where possible. Really curious to do some propagation testing on 10 and 6m to see what is possible on those bands.

So far I’ve only done some testing on local repeaters with my HTs and the btech I installed in my jeep.

I’m still trying to figure out how I want to format these posts. I’m liking it so far, so we’ll see if I just run with this. that’s it for now.

Callsign: KJ5AFX

Written on April 19, 2024